Do not fear

I was watching Governor Holcomb’s telecast this week when it was announced that facemasks are to be worn in public beginning July 27th. The two doctors, on either side of him, were answering questions related to the wearing of the masks. The majority of my career has been spent being a banker, so I am willing to take the doctors advice on the wearing and the safety involved with us wearing the masks.

I was bothered by the doctors use of the word fear and how often I hear newscasters discussing how fearful we all should be during this time of the Pandemic. If we read Matthew 17, verse 7, but Jesus came and touched them, saying, “get up and do not be afraid”. Whether we are surrounded by family and friends, home alone, or isolated in a nursing home or retirement center, Jesus is always with us. We are never alone, and although we should try to be careful and safe regarding the virus, it does not require us to be fearful.

So, I hope what I have written today encourages you in the world of the Pandemic that we now live. What I hope this propels you to do, is to be an encourager to all those that you any type of contact. Whether in person, text, email, old fashion phone call, something someone just invented that I do not know about yet, but in all forms of communication.

Please allow God’s love, peace, and grace, to lead you in all aspects of your life.


Pastor Ed Armantrout