Wednesday Bible Study on Ecclesiastes coming in September

To Everything there is a Season.

Dr. Leonard Sweet, pastor, professor and author, writes:  “Small acts of faithfulness are often great acts of courage.”  As I read that statement, I thought of David who had his sling, Rahab who had her string, Sampson and his jawbone, and Aaron and his rod.  I think of Mary who anointed the feet of Jesus with her ointment.

Sadhu Sundar Singh, a Christian Indian missionary of the early 1900’s so aptly said, “It is easy to die for Christ.  It is hard to live for him.  Dying takes only an hour or two, but to live for Christ means to die daily.”  Indeed it does. It demands dying to our desires, our agenda, our opinions, our flesh so that we might walk in the Spirit.   Learn more in Devotions…